If you receive donations offline or from a non-Community Funded source, you may still want to track it against your overall fundraising goals. This can present problems if these donations are mixed in among fundraising campaigns with specific topics (i.e. it would be confusing to have an “other” option on a campaign to raise funds for a library.) If you expect to receive donations from various sources, with designations that don’t fit neatly into other categories, you still have options.

Here is a way to account for donations that don’t come through one of your fundraising campaigns, without allowing donors to select “other” as an option.

Step one: Create an app code with as much of the settings turned off as possible. This will make step two easier for you, and since your admin team will be the only people to interact with the campaign, it won’t matter how it looks.

Step two: create a new campaign, and name it something generic, like “Other Funds” or “Offline”. Give it a timeline a bit longer than your giving event to allow your gift processing staff to continue to add funds if necessary. Fill in the required information, and launch it live (to end sometime after your giving event is over).

Step three: set the campaign to ‘not visible’. This setting is available on your campaigns tab, using the toggle at the right of each campaign name.

Step four: Don’t forget to add the campaign to your Giving Event program! This way the total donors/dollars will aggregate toward your Event totals.

Step five: From Campaigns > Advanced Donor Tools, you may upload a list of donors (template available right on that page). Please limit the size of these uploads to no more than 200 rows at a time, to avoid processing timeouts. You can also enter offline entries piecemeal.